Fullmoon of December : Transmutation
This upcoming full moon in Gemini is a powerful one. Let’s maybe think of it as a transmutation moon. What does it means?
This past year you probably have been going through an inner transformation, have had dreams that your soul is asking for something different, you became maybe more conscious about some choices you take in your day to to life, with your loved ones, at work or with yourself. Well this full moon is time to make the step. Of all these things that have been in your mind for these months.
The past 3 days, the moon has been quiet powerful & dense. It has maybe created issues, problems and complications in your life. Think about something, all problems that come to you, come because you are ready to handle them, if not they would not be here. Think of these obstacles as a learning, read between the lines. What is this problem coming to show you? What does it reflect in you? Sometimes we need things to collapse to start on a new base.
It is time to accept changes. To see things from another perspective, the only person who is not letting the changes happen is you. You have the choice today to be who you wish to be. What are your true inspiration in this life? What makes you the happiest, and what are your true needs?
Look within for this fullmoon, light up a candle, get a bowl of water, take a pen and a paper and write down if you could be doing something tomorrow in a world where fears and judgment does not exist what would it be? And imagine it as a reality, start writing down and imagining how you would feel. On another piece of paper write 3 things that you don’t need in your life and you would like to let go. Burn it, and throw it into the bowl of water. Put an intention for the upcoming months. What do you want to see rise in you?
Happy full moon!