The power of now
Do you ever catch yourself daydreaming about something that happened in the past? Or are you thinking about the future?
Most people do this on some level every single day.
When you’re thinking about the past or the future, you’re not here. You’re not fully present, and you’re not utilizing the power of now. If you want to achieve success and happiness and live the life you want, start by experiencing the present moment for the gift that it is. Here are some steps to get started:
1. Be With What’s Happening Right Now
Very few of us use the power of the current moment. Both the past and the future are only a part of your thoughts and memories. They only exist in your mind, not in reality.
The only thing that exists right now is the very present moment that you live in. From this present moment, you can draw tremendous power, the kind of power that can change your life and allow you to achieve your goals.
When you begin working on being in the present moment with the intent of improving your life, you send a powerful message to your subconscious mind. You tell your subconscious that you are here now, and you’re ready to get to work to improve your life.
Your subconscious mind begins working for you because it only understands the present moment. Your subconscious does not understand the future or the past. Your subconscious only lives in the now; it exists solely in the present moment.
Focus on what is happening and what you need to do right now. No more comparing or hoping for things to get better. Just deal with what is and what has to be done.
2. How You Can Live in the Now
If you’re ready to start living in the now and begin creating the life that you want, then take a look at your present situation and ask yourself these questions:
Do you find yourself waiting for something to happen?
Are you waiting to get some more time? Make more money? Meet the right person?
Are you waiting for the right opportunity? Waiting is another game the mind plays because it doesn’t want to live in the present moment.
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then you’re focusing on anything but the present moment.
I know you can’t focus on the present moment or live in the now 24 hours a day. But, start by doing this for a few minutes a day and then continue expanding the exercise every day.
Here’s a suggestion. The next time you are driving or walking, pay attention only to what is happening around you. Listen to the sounds, and observe the people. Don’t think about what you have to do, what happened yesterday, what might happen tomorrow, or what might happen in five minutes.
3. Find Your Joy
We rush toward the future so fast that we miss the joys occurring right before us. Enjoy life. Do things differently. Act like a kid when you can; kids are the best teachers of learning to be present because that’s all they know.
If you have a passion for sports, then start playing a sport you like. If you have a passion for cooking, make a meal or two over the next couple of days.
As you find joy in the small things in front of you, you’ll start attracting more positive situations into you life.
“As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out the present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care, and love — even the most simple action.” –Eckhart Tolle